
About AllyVet

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So far AllyVet has created 15 blog entries.

Could My Cat Have a UTI?

2025-02-03T12:13:57-05:00Categories: Pet Care|Tags: , , , |

Feline urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be a painful experience. While less common than other urinary issues, UTIs in cats can cause discomfort and potentially lead to more serious problems if left untreated. Common signs include frequent urination, straining in the litter box, and blood in the urine. If you notice these symptoms, it’s important to consult a veterinarian promptly. Read on for symptoms and more!

Knowing When to Say Goodbye to your Pet

2024-10-28T07:54:31-04:00Categories: Pet Care|Tags: , , , |

Deciding when to say goodbye to your pet is one of the most difficult aspects of being a pet owner. Whether the decision arises from illness, injury or a diminished quality of life, euthanasia can be a compassionate choice to spare your beloved friend from pain and suffering. We hope the following suggestions and information will help you navigate this decision.

Tips for Welcoming a Shelter Pet into your Home

2024-10-28T09:49:11-04:00Categories: Pet Care|Tags: , |

Adopting a shelter pet is one of the most caring ways to support needy animals. Giving a homeless pet a second chance at life helps to reduce overcrowding in shelters while allowing you to bond with and nurture a companion that will return the favor with love and companionship for years to come. Consider these tips to help make the transition a good experience for them—and you!

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