Things to know before you go

Things to know before you go

We hope that this overview of frequently asked questions will provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your pet’s care.

If you are unsure or have other questions, please call us at 757-900-ALLY (2559)!

Do you offer ambulatory services for pets who need to go to the ER?

We will give you options and help you with the transfer process to a local ER vet, but you will be responsible for transporting your pet. At this time, Ally does not have the capability to provide ambulatory services.

Do you offer ambulatory services for pets who need to go to the ER?

We will give you options and help you with the transfer process to a local ER vet, but you will be responsible for transporting your pet. At this time, Ally does not have the capability to provide ambulatory services.