Things to know before you go

Things to know before you go

We hope that this overview of frequently asked questions will provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your pet’s care.

If you are unsure or have other questions, please call us at 757-900-ALLY (2559)!

How does Ally work with my primary veterinarian?

We care deeply about our relationships with our veterinary care partners, which is why we do not offer wellness appointments or true emergency veterinary services. Our mission is to support them as an ally in the pet care team, providing an urgent care option for their clients when they are not available or able to get them seen quickly.  

Ally is building care partnerships with animal hospitals across Hampton Roads, and we share medical notes with these providers at the time of your visit with us, so there is no delay in our continuity of care. In some cases, your primary veterinarian will directly refer you to Ally when their schedule is at capacity. You can expect our care team to provide the same standard of care that you have come to expect from them.

How does Ally work with my primary veterinarian?

We care deeply about our relationships with our veterinary care partners, which is why we do not offer wellness appointments or true emergency veterinary services. Our mission is to support them as an ally in the pet care team, providing an urgent care option for their clients when they are not available or able to get them seen quickly.  

Ally is building care partnerships with animal hospitals across Hampton Roads, and we share medical notes with these providers at the time of your visit with us, so there is no delay in our continuity of care. In some cases, your primary veterinarian will directly refer you to Ally when their schedule is at capacity. You can expect our care team to provide the same standard of care that you have come to expect from them.