Things to know before you go

Things to know before you go

We hope that this overview of frequently asked questions will provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your pet’s care.

If you are unsure or have other questions, please call us at 757-900-ALLY (2559)!

What happens if you cannot help my pet’s issue?

Our number one goal is to help you and your pet during your time of need–no matter how great or small. If we cannot resolve the issue, or if we need to refer you to an emergency or specialty hospital, we will be your advocate in getting your pet the care they need. 

We will quickly document any initial work we perform at Ally Urgent Veterinary Care in your pet’s medical record and send it to the closest and/or most available emergency hospital. We maintain strong relationships with veterinary emergency hospitals across Hampton Roads and can work as your ally to help ensure your pet is seen as quickly as reasonably possible.

What happens if you cannot help my pet’s issue?

Our number one goal is to help you and your pet during your time of need–no matter how great or small. If we cannot resolve the issue, or if we need to refer you to an emergency or specialty hospital, we will be your advocate in getting your pet the care they need. 

We will quickly document any initial work we perform at Ally Urgent Veterinary Care in your pet’s medical record and send it to the closest and/or most available emergency hospital. We maintain strong relationships with veterinary emergency hospitals across Hampton Roads and can work as your ally to help ensure your pet is seen as quickly as reasonably possible.