Things to know before you go

Things to know before you go

We hope that this overview of frequently asked questions will provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your pet’s care.

If you are unsure or have other questions, please call us at 757-900-ALLY (2559)!

Will my pet always get treated at Ally?

In some instances, pets need more intensive care, and we will recommend that they be seen at an ER. In those cases, we will do our best to stabilize the patient, run any tests that could expedite their time in the ER, and call to help coordinate their visit. 

Ally is available for sick visits, urgent questions / concerns you have about your pet, minor injuries, and anything else that is not a life-threatening emergency. We do not administer vaccines or perform other routine care. Your pet should continue to have regular visits with a local family veterinarian.

For more details on the urgent care conditions we do or don’t treat, please visit this page.

Will my pet always get treated at Ally?

In some instances, pets need more intensive care, and we will recommend that they be seen at an ER. In those cases, we will do our best to stabilize the patient, run any tests that could expedite their time in the ER, and call to help coordinate their visit. 

Ally is available for sick visits, urgent questions / concerns you have about your pet, minor injuries, and anything else that is not a life-threatening emergency. We do not administer vaccines or perform other routine care. Your pet should continue to have regular visits with a local family veterinarian.

For more details on the urgent care conditions we do or don’t treat, please visit this page.